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Making transition easier.

Interactive Social Stories


As the creators of Red Sparrow Books it is our heart to bless families and the wider community.

Our interactive social stories and visual schedules are designed and created to familiarise our children with places, situations and daily routines that might normally present a challenge. This creates more opportunities for inclusion and the ability to reduce anxiety whilst teaching valuable life skills. 


These digital e-books are useful tools to have on your smart phone or iPad to use

when the need arises.


‘Red Sparrow Books provide a beautiful library of engaging social stories and visual schedules that bring experience and process to life.’

—Alicia Frost,  B.O.T. Occupational Therapist


360° Interactive

Bring your content to life!


Whether you are a business or corporate we can create Interactive experiences, virtual tours and more using 360* and standard images that your clients will love.


In this day of social distancing, take advantage of 360* images to introduce clients  to your space, what you do and who you are.

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